ANGACOM 2018 21/06/2018

EDISION participated in the International exhibition ANGACOM at Koelnmesse, Cologne, Germany, from June 12th to 14st 2018
POSEI CONGRESS 2018 10/06/2018

The POSEI congress was successfully held on Saturday June 9th 2018, at Porto Palace Hotel in Thessaloniki. EDISION was present as a sponsor, feturing a selection of EDISION and TELEVES products, while EDISION personnel informed every visitor on the reliable and professional solutions that EDISION and TELEVES products offer, in each installation.
ELEC TEC 2018 06/03/2018

The 2nd International Exhibition Elec.Tec, which was hosted from 23 to 26 February 2018, at the Mediterranean Exhibition Centre (Μ.E.C.) Paianias, was successfully completed. At stand C4 of the exhibition, EDISION presented products and solutions from Edision, Televes and Abus Security brands. As part of the organization, the 2th scientific Congress of P.O.S.E.I. was also held, in which Edision took part with 3 speeches for new technologies and applications.