TELEVES 438620 NanoKom Kit: Mast Amplifier 5G LTE + PSU 12V UHF/VHF/SAT, consists of a mast amplifier for bands UHF (21...48), VHF/FM with integrated SAT combiner and also pairing coaxial PSU. The unit offers 5G interference cutoff and also Auto Regulation with AGC in UHF. The pairing PSU with 1 output, features high efficiency switched-mode function. The SET is constructed from Zamak alloy for shielding and resistance to weather conditions, while it is also housed in polycarbonate plastic, featuring Ultra compact design. Comes with Easy-F connector type for fast and secure connection without plugs.
Technical features:
561621 MAST AMPLIFIER 5G UHF (channels 21...48), VHF/FM with integrated SAT combiner.
- Inputs: UHF (MHZ 470...694), VHF/FM (MHZ 47...254), SATmix , with 5G interference cutoff from channel UHF 49 upwards
- Improved efficiency in spectrum UHF 21...48 (ΜΗΖ 470...694)
- Integrated function for 5G cutoff
- With DC OUT on/off switch towards Televes TForce BOSS antennas, active dipoles, etc.
- Gain db: UHF 24, VHF -1.5, SAT -2.5. In UHF, A.G.C. function 0...20 db
- Νoise Figure (N.F.): UHF 3db
- Output dbμν: 104. With continouous automatic monitoring of the signal output, plus manual adjustment option 0...9 db
- Powering through coaxial cable with compatible PSU: 12...24ν
- Power consumption: 50 mA
5796 POWER SUPPLY with SAT-MIX and one output
- Frequency Margin: MHz 5-2500
- Power supply: V 12
- Mains voltage 196-264 V
- Max. Output current mA 220
- Min. Output current mA 30
- Max. temp. operation: 45 C
- Protection level IP 20
- Consumption: 150 mA